Granted, ending an affair is never easy. However, I am going to share with you 3 tips that will help you deal with the situation with less pain.
Tip number 1 is simple…do it now! If you made the decision to end this relationship, you'd better speak this out quickly. You know, people do NOT give up easily. The longer you wait, the more attached your partner will get. You don't want the situation become even harder, do you?
Tip number 2 is not as simple…be direct! Beating around the bush just doesn't help. Approach your partner and simply say, “We have to talk.” When your partner asks, “About what?” you simply say, “About us.” Don’t hem and haw. Don’t look around the room. Look directly in your partner’s eyes and give it to them straight.
Tip number 3 is to make them understand that the relationship was a two way street and it wasn’t all their fault. Take responsibility for your role in the disaster. Trust me, it really DOES take two to dance the tango, but the key point is your relationship is no longer repairable.
Like I said, there is no easy way to breakup with somebody, but if you do it quickly, if you’re direct and if you accept some blame, it will go a lot better than you think. Every breakup will lead to a great start!